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Renewing the Liver: Unani Medicine's Support for Hepatic Health


The liver, a remarkable organ in the human body, plays a vital role in various physiological processes, including detoxification, metabolism, and synthesizing essential proteins. Unani Medicine, an ancient healing system with origins in the Greek tradition, offers unique insights and treatments to support liver health. This article explores how Unani Medicine renews and rejuvenates the liver, ensuring its optimal function and overall well-being.


Labub Kabir Khas

Understanding the Liver in Unani Medicine

In Unani Medicine, the liver is considered one of the essential organs responsible for maintaining the balance of bodily humors (Mizaj). It is associated with a hot and moist temperament, and its proper functioning is crucial for overall health. Unani physicians have long recognized the significance of liver health in maintaining equilibrium within the body.


Detoxification and Cleansing in Unani Perspective


Unani Medicine emphasizes the importance of detoxification and cleansing to support the liver's health. Various herbal preparations and dietary recommendations are prescribed to rid the liver of accumulated toxins and maintain its optimal function.


Herbal Remedies for Liver Health


Unani Medicine relies heavily on herbal remedies to support liver health. Herbs like  Labub Kabir Khas, Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata), and Silymarin (derived from Milk Thistle) are known for their hepatoprotective properties. These herbs are believed to help regenerate liver cells, improve liver function, and protect the liver from damage caused by toxins.


Dietary Guidelines for Liver Support


Unani Medicine emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet for liver health. Foods considered beneficial for the liver include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Additionally, Unani practitioners may recommend specific dietary restrictions to support liver function, such as limiting the intake of fatty and fried foods.


Unani Lifestyle Practices for Liver Health


In Unani Medicine, lifestyle practices also play a significant role in liver support. Stress reduction techniques like meditation and yoga are encouraged as stress can negatively impact liver health. Regular physical activity is also beneficial for maintaining liver function and overall well-being.


Holistic Approach to Liver Care


Unani Medicine takes a holistic approach to liver care, recognizing that the liver's health is interconnected with other organs and systems in the body. Thus, a comprehensive treatment plan may involve addressing other imbalances or health issues affecting liver function.


Preventive Measures for Liver Health


Unani Medicine emphasizes preventive measures to safeguard the liver from potential harm. Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy weight, and practicing safe hygiene to prevent the spread of infections are essential for liver health.


Consultation with a Unani Physician


For personalized liver care and treatment, consulting with a qualified Unani physician is essential. They will conduct a detailed assessment of your health, including your medical history and any specific liver-related concerns, and then recommend a tailored treatment plan to support your liver's renewal and health.




Unani Medicine's approach to renewing the liver involves a blend of herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, lifestyle practices, and preventive measures. By adhering to these principles and seeking guidance from an Unani physician, individuals can support their liver's optimal function and overall well-being. The liver's renewal in Unani Medicine is a reflection of the organ's importance and an acknowledgment of the intricate balance required for harmonious health within the body.


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